
Bond Sentiment Extreme near a Cycle Turning Point

Bond Sentiment will lead to a Cycle Turn

The Bond market has obviously been in a strong rally since the April Investor Cycle Low (ICL).  History teaches, however, that even during solid bull market moves, corrections into major Cycle Lows are a normal part of the Cycle flow process.

And this is where we find Bonds today.  The Commitment of Traders report shows a massive Long speculative position, while overall Bond Sentiment remains sky-high.  Weekly Cycle timing is well into its topping range, and the 4th Daily Cycle (shown below) is beginning to struggle.  I would never count Bonds out, at least until we see a failed Daily Cycle, but I am starting to believe that a new down leg in Bonds is almost upon us.

A technical caution – if price were to move higher and exceed the current day 6 high, a bullish continuation is possible.  For the bulls, loss of the 10-day moving average would be extremely negative, as it would signal a potential downturn and Left Translated Daily Cycle.


Bond Sentiment - The Financial Tap $TLT


The Financial Tap – Premium

The Financial Tap publishes two member reports per week, a weekly premium report and a midweek market update report. The reports cover the movements and trading opportunities of the Gold, S&P, Oil, $USD, US Bond’s, and Natural Gas Cycles. Along with these reports, members enjoy access to two different portfolios and trade alerts. Both portfolios trade on varying time-frames (from days, weeks, to months), there is a portfolio to suit all member preferences.

NOTE:  The Financial Tap offers you a Full 14 day, no risk, money back Trial.  It’s just $99 thereafter for a full 3 months of membership, a fraction of what one stopped out trade is likely to cost you.  Consider joining The Financial Tap and receive two reports per week and the education you need to become a better trader or investor    See >> SIGN UP PAGE!




Bond Sentiment to Tip the Cycle

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Midweek Cycles Update – Aug 10th

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Will this Crude Oil Rally hold?

Will this Crude Oil Rally hold?

Crude has finally reversed higher to recover some of its recent losses, and is now showing clear evidence of a new Daily Cycle (DC) and Crude Oil Rally.  There are early signs of a new Investor Cycle (IC) as well.

Midweek, Crude bottomed on day 44 before reversing sharply higher and punching through the declining trend-line.  And when it closed above the 10 day moving average, Crude confirmed that it is in the early stages of a new Daily Cycle.  From this point forward, Crude’s performance will depend on its Investor Cycle and the bear market as a whole.


Crude Oil Rally - The Financial Tap - Bob Loukas(Note: Chart is from the weekend post.  Crude is approaching my first mini target at $44 on Tuesday)

In terms of sentiment, there was enough of a selloff to suggest that an ICL occurred.  Even though pessimism did not drop to the level of the previous 2 bear market ICLs, it was more than adequate for an ICL, especially with the weekly Cycle extended beyond its normal timing band.


Crude Oil Rally Sentiment - The Financial Tap - Bob Loukas

At the very least, Crude has seen a DCL, so we should expect at least 1-2 weeks of upside.  Eventually however, given that Crude is in a bear market with a series of lower ICs in play, all paths should lead lower.  And that should continue for some time to come.


Crude Oil Rally Weekly - The Financial Tap - Bob Loukas

The Financial Tap – Premium

The Financial Tap publishes two member reports per week, a weekly premium report and a midweek market update report. The reports cover the movements and trading opportunities of the Gold, S&P, Oil, $USD, US Bond’s, and Natural Gas Cycles. Along with these reports, members enjoy access to two different portfolios and trade alerts. Both portfolios trade on varying time-frames (from days, weeks, to months), there is a portfolio to suit all member preferences.

NOTE:  The Financial Tap offers you a Full 14 day, no risk, money back Trial.  It’s just $99 thereafter for a full 3 months of membership, a fraction of what one stopped out trade is likely to cost you.  Consider joining The Financial Tap and receive two reports per week and the education you need to become a better trader or investor    See >> SIGN UP PAGE!




Is is all about time

It is all about time.

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Cycle’s Update – Aug 3rd

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Gold Setup

Gold Setup

This is a follow up post to June’s blog post – Gold is Ready to Perform and is an excerpt of the weekly premium report.

This is once more a very bullish setup for gold, as the second Daily Cycle within a bull market advance will often significantly surprise traders with its intensity and duration.  Predicting price movements is a difficult game, but a rally over 20 trading days (up to day six now) is to be expected, adding a minimum of $100 from the Cycle Lows.


7-30 gold daily

When we widen the timeframe out to the weekly Cycle, we see a similar bullish picture.  A clear bear market trend was decisively broken in early 2016, and now that a second straight Investor Cycle high has been made, the trend has clearly reversed.  The early, massive out performance shown by the precious metals miners tells us that a new bull market is already well under way.

For this Investor (weekly) Cycle, a drop back to the 10-week moving average during the first Daily Cycle Low (DCL) was just classic bull market behavior.  Although the ascent off the December bear market lows is certainly steep, and arguably not sustainable over the longer term.  But for now, we’re still in the early portion of this Investor Cycle with some serious momentum behind this sector.


7-30 gold weekly

There is a tendency during bull markets to overthink each setup or for traders to become overly aggressive/greedy.  I have seen many traders lose capital trading the long side of a powerful bull market.  By adding more and more leverage as a Cycle rally extends, only to be shaken out by a DCL because they did not have “strong-hand status”.  And far too often traders look to out of money call options as a means to riches, only to see a powerful rally fall just short of the aggressive strike price.

The lesson here is not to over think the setup.  In any bull market, it is best to buy large early out of a Cycle Low and then sit back and watch.  If you decide to use leverage, then again do so early to allow for a tight stop (off prior Cycle Low) and wait for the bull market to get your positions deeply in the black.  Then it becomes a matter of reducing that leverage as the Daily Cycle progresses, as opposed to being under invested when the move begins to where you feel like you’re missing out, at a point where you should be harvesting profits.    Above all, as I have said all along, establish a solid core position that you can buy and forget.


The Financial Tap – Premium

The Financial Tap publishes two member reports per week, a weekly premium report and a midweek market update report. The reports cover the movements and trading opportunities of the Gold, S&P, Oil, $USD, US Bond’s, and Natural Gas Cycles. Along with these reports, members enjoy access to two different portfolios and trade alerts. Both portfolios trade on varying time-frames (from days, weeks, to months), there is a portfolio to suit all member preferences.

NOTE:  The Financial Tap offers you a Full 14 day, no risk, money back Trial.  It’s just $99 thereafter for a full 3 months of membership, a fraction of what one stopped out trade is likely to cost you.  Consider joining The Financial Tap and receive two reports per week and the education you need to become a better trader or investor    See >> SIGN UP PAGE!




The Next Leg

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Update – July 24th

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Weekend Update – July 15th

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