The Winds of Change
(An except from the Financial Tap Weekend Report – See here for more detail)
Friday’s 2% + decline in the equity markets was impressive. After a record run of low volatility and muted price action, equities suddenly awakened and exploded lower. This is exactly the sort of action I expected (although favoring upside price move) when I titled last week’s report Expecting Volatility. The market had been setting up for a big break for quite some time.
Extended periods of a lifeless, low volume trading range usually give way to volatility and significant moves in price. Going forward, at least over the short term, I expect we will see a series of 1% (plus or minus) moves in the daily indices. Although Friday’s break has significant bearish technical implications, it is too early to assume that the next extended move will be lower. What we can assume, and with a high degree of confidence, is that the next major market move has started.
The primary problem with being more definitive on direction is uncertainty around the Daily Cycle (DC). In a traditional DC (40-45 days), the low on September 1st – day 47 – could easily mark the DCL, especially with price subsequently jumping back above the 10 and 20-day moving averages. On the other hand, the September 1st low was not particularly deep, nor was the following rally of any real strength or duration. Further, a move back above the 10-dma was no big feat; the lack of a significant preceding drop and the sideways consolidation meant that the 10-dma bar was very low. Moreover, Friday’s drop appears to embody the sort of capitulation that we’d expect at the end of a DC.

For a number of weeks, I’ve maintained that a major market move was coming. Based on Friday’s action alone, I believe the move has started, so we need to be prepared for some serious volatility. The million-dollar question, of course, is whether the eventual move will be higher or lower.
Turning to the VIX, my research uncovered an interesting, and potentially telling, relationship. Whenever the VIX reached a low and then spiked higher, it appears that a) volatility continued to expand, and b) the S&P topped and began a move lower toward a DCL or ICL.

If the above chart holds, we should probably assume that the markets have entered a corrective mode. That doesn’t mean that a major selloff is necessarily at hand, but we should expect a decline that spans more than just a single trading session.
So the Daily Cycle question becomes important. If we are seeing an extended Daily Cycle that capitulates for a few days before bottoming, the longer term move could be higher. On the weekly chart, we would likely see a back test of the breakout, with the rising 10-week moving average as the floor.
The bearish case, however, is a new Daily Cycle, one that will cascade lower out of the recent tight trading range. This would leave behind a very clear week-7 IC Top and a comfortably Left Translated IC that would have cyclical bear market implications.

The Financial Tap – Premium
The Financial Tap publishes two member reports per week, a weekly premium report and a midweek market update report. The reports cover the movements and trading opportunities of the Gold, S&P, Oil, $USD, US Bond’s, and Natural Gas Cycles. Along with these reports, members enjoy access to two different portfolios and trade alerts. Both portfolios trade on varying time-frames (from days, weeks, to months), there is a portfolio to suit all member preferences.
NOTE: The Financial Tap offers you a Full 14 day, no risk, money back Trial. It’s just $99 thereafter for a full 3 months of membership, a fraction of what one stopped out trade is likely to cost you. Consider joining The Financial Tap and receive two reports per week and the education you need to become a better trader or investor See >> SIGN UP PAGE!

Gold Price Reversal
/in Public /by Bob LoukasGold Price Reversal
The Gold market continues to be lethargic. Two weeks ago, negative rumblings about Deutsche Bank pushed Gold higher out of the Half Cycle Low. But the move quickly stalled on a gold price reversal, ensuring that the current Daily Cycle (DC) would remain Left Translated.
Gold’s current sluggishness is not unexpected, however. 18 weeks into any Investor Cycle should see sellers largely controlling the action, and I’d expect that to be the case with Gold until it finds an Investor Cycle Low (ICL).
Considering the advanced age of the Investor Cycle (IC), it’s impressive how well Gold has held up. And it’s a boost to bulls that the Miners and Silver are following suit with relative strength of their own. The broader precious metals complex appears to be consolidating its massive gains from early 2016 via time, rather than price, and that’s decidedly long term bullish.
The Miners, in particular, provide a case in point. GDX rose 120% in 6 months to start 2016, and in the 2 months since topping have retraced a relatively meager 20%. I’ve discussed the volatility of the Miners frequently, so readers will know that such relative strength during a move into an ICL is extremely bullish for the intermediate and longer terms.
It’s easiest to see the Gold’s bullish consolidation via time on the Investor Cycle chart. Gold topped 12 weeks ago and has a failed Daily Cycle behind it, yet is down only $70 from the IC peak. It’s a classic bull market consolidation of the huge six-month rally, and is a significant change in character from what we all lived through during Gold’s bear market.
A Gold Price Reversal is on the way, make no mistake about it, but we may need to be patient as we wait for it. Gold could need another full Daily Cycle lower before finding its ICL, and that would mean another 4-5 weeks of declines. Rest assured, however, that the bull market trend is firmly established. During the next series of higher IC’s, I expect the general public to again pay attention to Gold.
Trading Strategy
Long term investors should already be holding a strong core portfolio. Short term fluctuations in the Gold Price market should only be viewed as an opportunity to add to long term positions. If you’re under invested, I personally would not wait for a Cycle Low, this price level is more than attractive.
Traders should be flat or short this market currently. There is a real possibility that we’re going to see a large stop run below $1,305 on gold and the Sept 1st lows in the precious metals miners. Within 5 to 10 trading days however, we should see a Cycle Low and reversal form, providing an excellent opportunity for traders to get Long this sector for what could be a promising new Daily and Weekly Cycle.
The Financial Tap – Premium
The Financial Tap publishes two member reports per week, a weekly premium report and a midweek market update report. The reports cover the movements and trading opportunities of the Gold, S&P, Oil, $USD, US Bond’s Cycles. Along with these reports, members enjoy access to two different portfolios and trade alerts. Both portfolios trade on varying time-frames (from days, weeks, to months), there is a portfolio to suit all member preferences.
NOTE: The Financial Tap offers you a Full 14 day, no risk, money back Trial. It’s just $99 thereafter for a full 3 months of membership, a fraction of what one stopped out trade is likely to cost you. Consider joining The Financial Tap and receive two reports per week and the education you need to become a better trader or investor See >> SIGN UP PAGE!
A Spill in the Making
/in Premium /by Bob LoukasYou don’t have access to view this content
Midweek Cycles Update – 9/29
/in Premium /by Bob LoukasYou don’t have access to view this content
A Gold Shakeout
/in Premium /by Bob LoukasYou don’t have access to view this content
Midweek Market Cycles – Sep 21st
/in Premium /by Bob LoukasYou don’t have access to view this content
We’re In Safe Hands
/in Premium /by Bob LoukasYou don’t have access to view this content
Midweek Cycles Update – Sep 14th
/in Premium /by Bob LoukasYou don’t have access to view this content
The Winds of Change
/in Public /by Bob LoukasThe Winds of Change
(An except from the Financial Tap Weekend Report – See here for more detail)
Friday’s 2% + decline in the equity markets was impressive. After a record run of low volatility and muted price action, equities suddenly awakened and exploded lower. This is exactly the sort of action I expected (although favoring upside price move) when I titled last week’s report Expecting Volatility. The market had been setting up for a big break for quite some time.
Extended periods of a lifeless, low volume trading range usually give way to volatility and significant moves in price. Going forward, at least over the short term, I expect we will see a series of 1% (plus or minus) moves in the daily indices. Although Friday’s break has significant bearish technical implications, it is too early to assume that the next extended move will be lower. What we can assume, and with a high degree of confidence, is that the next major market move has started.
The primary problem with being more definitive on direction is uncertainty around the Daily Cycle (DC). In a traditional DC (40-45 days), the low on September 1st – day 47 – could easily mark the DCL, especially with price subsequently jumping back above the 10 and 20-day moving averages. On the other hand, the September 1st low was not particularly deep, nor was the following rally of any real strength or duration. Further, a move back above the 10-dma was no big feat; the lack of a significant preceding drop and the sideways consolidation meant that the 10-dma bar was very low. Moreover, Friday’s drop appears to embody the sort of capitulation that we’d expect at the end of a DC.
For a number of weeks, I’ve maintained that a major market move was coming. Based on Friday’s action alone, I believe the move has started, so we need to be prepared for some serious volatility. The million-dollar question, of course, is whether the eventual move will be higher or lower.
Turning to the VIX, my research uncovered an interesting, and potentially telling, relationship. Whenever the VIX reached a low and then spiked higher, it appears that a) volatility continued to expand, and b) the S&P topped and began a move lower toward a DCL or ICL.
If the above chart holds, we should probably assume that the markets have entered a corrective mode. That doesn’t mean that a major selloff is necessarily at hand, but we should expect a decline that spans more than just a single trading session.
So the Daily Cycle question becomes important. If we are seeing an extended Daily Cycle that capitulates for a few days before bottoming, the longer term move could be higher. On the weekly chart, we would likely see a back test of the breakout, with the rising 10-week moving average as the floor.
The bearish case, however, is a new Daily Cycle, one that will cascade lower out of the recent tight trading range. This would leave behind a very clear week-7 IC Top and a comfortably Left Translated IC that would have cyclical bear market implications.
The Financial Tap – Premium
The Financial Tap publishes two member reports per week, a weekly premium report and a midweek market update report. The reports cover the movements and trading opportunities of the Gold, S&P, Oil, $USD, US Bond’s, and Natural Gas Cycles. Along with these reports, members enjoy access to two different portfolios and trade alerts. Both portfolios trade on varying time-frames (from days, weeks, to months), there is a portfolio to suit all member preferences.
NOTE: The Financial Tap offers you a Full 14 day, no risk, money back Trial. It’s just $99 thereafter for a full 3 months of membership, a fraction of what one stopped out trade is likely to cost you. Consider joining The Financial Tap and receive two reports per week and the education you need to become a better trader or investor See >> SIGN UP PAGE!
Winds Have Changed
/in Premium /by Bob LoukasYou don’t have access to view this content
Expecting Volatility
/in Premium /by Bob LoukasYou don’t have access to view this content