Entries by Bob Loukas

God Save the King

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The FED Keeps the Party Going

Yesterday’s GDP release of a 1.7% gain underscored just how lethargic the economic recovery remains.  Now 4.5 years since the last recession, the fear for the FED is that the business Cycle is in the process of turning over.  Forget the rhetoric that the economy is going to gain steam and start growing quicker; we’ve been hearing this same nonsense since 2010.  The fact remains that the FED is keeping the economy artificially elevated and the best they can do is keep it right above stall speed. 

So when we hear talk of tapering asset purchases, I really do not see how they could do this.  The last time that thought gained any traction bonds sold off very quickly and this forced borrowing costs to spike.  I seriously doubt the FED is going to allow the stock market to tank and interest rates to spike right when the economy looks the most vulnerable.   

The FED’s message in the end was that as long as the economy remains near stall speed then asset purchases at $85 per month will continue.  They say if the economy improves enough then they will begin tapering purchases, but I still see that as being years from reality.  To me the new black swan event is the need for even larger asset purchases.  The thought of a new round of QE is never discussed, but I believe there is a greater chance we see more QE before we see any tapering. 

Midweek Market Update Report

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Morning Coffee

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Gold is Finally Ready to Launch


Gold appears to have wakened from what has been a very challenging 10 month decline.  Ever since its failed attempt to test the all-time highs last September, it has literally been straight downhill for gold.  But the signs of a trend change are everywhere, and this is evident technically in the charts and within the changing composition of the Cycles.  Be warned we are due a $50 pullback this week towards a Daily Cycle Low.  However beyond that, all indications point to a substantial rally about to take hold.  According to my Cycles analysis, we’re looking at a 10 week gold rally back to the $1,520-50 region.

The Weekly Cycle

There are plenty of reasons to get excited here, as the early developments of this new Weekly Cycle point to a longer term trend change.  Gold is now 4 good weeks into a Weekly Cycle (these Cycle average 20 weeks) which was confirmed once it broke above the declining trend-line and the Weekly Swing Low point (Above $1,301).  The technical indicators show strength is building while the slow moving weekly oscillators are beginning to bullishly cross.  There is no way of knowing for sure how far this Cycle will run, but the early indications are very encouraging as the Cycles on every time-frame are turning higher.

Hard to Believe

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Midweek Market Update Report

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Gold is Starting to Shine

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Gold is Starting to Shine

Within the member reports I outlined that last week's pause below the $1,300 level was very characteristic of the declining Cycles of this past 12 months.  It was at that very point, Day 12-15 where the Cycle would top and very quickly roll-over into yet another punishing Cycle Low.  Technically too all of my tracking indicators and oscillators were at the same level where Cycles typically topped.

But within those reports I’ve also been tracking a bullish secondary scenario that I said held a reasonable (30%) chance of developing.  It was the scenario where the consolidation below $1,300 and the declining Cycle trend-line was part of a Half Cycle Low.  The theory then was that if gold could launch this late in the Daily Cycle, then it would indicate that this could only be a powerful 1st Daily Cycle, and these tend to run between 27-33 days from trough to trough.

Look Out Below

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