Entries by Bob Loukas


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Midweek Market Update Report

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Showdown Edition

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A Market Peak

Below are the top 5 performing bull markets in history. Interestingly, and surprisingly, the current bull market is number 4 on the list.  Upon closer examination, we see that the top 3 bull markets occurred as part of a general secular bull market.  Meaning they were part of a period of true economic expansion, a period of real income growth and wealth creation. The current cyclical bull market, however, appears within a greater secular bear market, which makes this the best performing bull market (in terms of performance, not time) of any secular bear period in history. From a timing perspective, the 1970’s bull market (within a Bear Market) ran for 70+ months, while the 2002-2007 bull market (again within a Bear Market) was 55 months in duration.             


Midweek Market Update

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Dollar Swan Dive

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The Final Run

The coming bounce is going to reveal so much about this Investor and Yearly Cycle.  This bounce should also be the final opportunity to make further all-time highs, for both this Daily and Investor Cycle.  I believe any new high will mark the top of both Cycles, and from there it will be primarily down for another 1.5 Daily Cycles (60 trading days).  As equities are well overdue to begin the decent into what promises to be a deep, corrective (at least -10%) Yearly Cycle Low, I have a suspicion that the coming bounce will fail to make new highs.   

9-25 Equities Daily

Midweek Market Update

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The FED Rejected

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Market Update Report

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